Beint á efnisyfirlit síðunnar

Á döfinni

05.12.2024 - 05.12.2024


Fundur verður haldinn í framkvæmdastjórn ÍSÍ...

Memorial Fund Olafur E. Rafnsson



A Memorial Fund has been established in the name of Mr. Olafur E. Rafnsson, former President of Iceland´s NOC, who passed away 19th of June 2013. The fund will be used for the benefit of sports in Iceland in memory of Olafur and his passion for sports and his work within the sports movement.

Account Holder: The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland
Engjavegur 6
104 Reykjavik

The name of the bank: Islandsbanki hf.
Bank address: Tharabakki 3
155 Reykjavík

Swift address: GLITISRE

IBAN: IS26 0537 14 351000 670169 0499
Ólafur Rafnsson