Beint á efnisyfirlit síðunnar

Á döfinni

25.10.2024 - 26.10.2024

Landsþing LH 2024

Ársþing Landssambands hestamannafélaga verður...
01.11.2024 - 30.11.2024


Verkefnið Syndum hefst 1. nóvember og stendur...
12.11.2024 - 12.11.2024


Fundur verður haldinn í framkvæmdastjórn ÍSÍ...


The purposes of the National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland (NOC) (abbr. ÍSÍ) are to promote, coordinate and organize sports activities, promote the development of high-performance sports as well as public sports and form, organize and lead Iceland´s delegations at the Olympic Games.

The NOC is the main organization for 34 National Sports Federations, 25 Regional Sports Districts, about 400 Clubs and over 740 Divisions. ÍSÍ´s members are over 205.000 and sport members are over 101.000 (2021). 

The most popular sports in Iceland are football, golf, gymnastics, equestrian, basketball, handball, shooting, badminton, athletics, swimming and athletics. The greatest growth has been in golf and equestrian sports. The sport environment has been enriched in recent years with the addition of several new sports.

At the beginning of its term of office, the Executive Board appoints standing committees. The standing committees to be appointed shall be: The Board of Elite Athletes Fund, the Medical Committee, the Finance Council, the Legal Committee, the Honorary Council, Athletes Commission, the Information and Media Committee and the International Relations Committee. Other committees shall be appointed at the discretion of the Executive Board.